This module being based on and informed by ethical design research, I chose an issue that is very close to my heart and an issue in society today, Mental Health. There are many issues/topics within Mental Health, however I chose to look at teenage girl’s mental health.
Across my research, using yearly statistic reports, I had discovered mental health issues are rising in teenage girls across the years, with no clear reasoning why this is. An area I looked into to see why this was the case was social media, and one particular platform, Instagram.
I learnt through my research about another side to the platform, a dark side of Instagram, with accounts uploading graphical, distressing images/quotes about mental health, self-harm and suicide. I was shocked to find these accounts on Instagram and how the platform allows this content online with such a big following that has become a community on Instagram.
My intention from all this research I had found was to help teenage girls who are a part of this community by creating a better environment on Instagram. Outcomes consisted of an online Instagram campaign called ‘Refresh’, helping to create a better environment on Instagram by refreshing your feed and mind. The campaign post uplifting content, with contrasting copytext and design, from what the dark Instagram accounts would post. Posters with the same contrasting copytext and design, put up around places to help spread the message of the campaign. A ‘refresh self-care box’ where you keep everything you need to carry out self-care in helping with your mental health. Finally, phone cases with the campaigns copytext and design as a constant reminder of your worth when you are on your phone.

Ethical Design - 2020